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Theory of the #P_wave_detection

The algorithm first finds the  the possible positive and negative wave peaks based on zero transition searching, then validates them with comparing to reference P waves.

The P wave detection needs high amplitude resolution. This value is better, than 0.6 uV / bit in the Cardiospy system.  With this resolution and the effective filter system which uses wavelet transformation, the Cardiospy system is able to detect P waves less than 50 uV of amplitude.


Validation of the #P_wave_detector

The validation is carried out on 10 pcs 12 channel and 10 pcs 3 channel ECG reference records. The reference records include the P wave  annotation.  12 of the 20 records are taken from the MitBih database, 8 records are taken from the Labtech database (30000 – 30007). 

12 ch records

s0014lre, s0292lre, s0302lre, s0331lre, s0364lre, s0422_re, s0431_re, s0437_re, s0549_re, s0550_re

3 ch records

mgh001, mgh007, 30000, 30001, 30002, 30003, 30004, 30005, 30006, 30007


Validation result:

Sensitivity:                       95.42%

Positive predictivity:         97.16%










ラブテック社製品としてのパソコン式の利用価値 等を掲載しております。

本邦においては現在 #研究向けに販売(2024_Aug_5)

全面的グレードアップ #VitalStream_type1_type2_type3







BMC #Anesthesiol. 2017; 17: 48.

Published online #2017 Mar 21. doi: 10.1186/s12871-017-0337-z

PMCID: PMC5361833

PMID: 28327093

#Continuous_Non-invasive_finger_cuff #CareTaker® comparable to #invasive_intra-arterial_pressure in patients undergoing major intra-abdominal surgery

Irwin Gratz,1 Edward Deal,1 Francis Spitz,1 Martin Baruch,2 I. Elaine Allen,3 Julia E. Seaman,4 Erin Pukenas,1 and Smith Jean1

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The datasets generated during and analysed for the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.




Despite increased interest in non-invasive arterial pressure monitoring, the majority of commercially available technologies have failed to satisfy the limits established for the validation of automatic arterial pressure monitoring by the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI). According to the ANSI/AAMI/ISO 81060–2:2013 standards, the group-average accuracy and precision are defined as acceptable if bias is not greater than 5 mmHg and standard deviation is not greater than 8 mmHg. In this study, these standards are used to evaluate the CareTaker® (CT) device, a device measuring continuous non-invasive blood pressure via a pulse contour algorithm called Pulse Decomposition Analysis.


A convenience sample of 24 patients scheduled for major abdominal surgery were consented to participate in this IRB approved pilot study. Each patient was monitored with a radial arterial catheter and CT using a finger cuff applied to the contralateral thumb. Hemodynamic variables were measured and analyzed from both devices for the first thirty minutes of the surgical procedure including the induction of anesthesia. The mean arterial pressure (MAP), systolic and diastolic blood pressures continuously collected from the arterial catheter and CT were compared. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated between arterial catheter and CT blood pressure measurements, a Bland-Altman analysis, and polar and 4Q plots were created.


The correlation of systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures were 0.92, 0.86, 0.91, respectively (p<0.0001 for all the comparisons). The Bland-Altman comparison yielded a bias (as measured by overall mean difference) of −0.57, −2.52, 1.01 mmHg for systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures, respectively with a standard deviation of 7.34, 6.47, 5.33 mmHg for systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures, respectively (p<0.001 for all comparisons). The polar plot indicates little bias between the two methods (90%/95% CI at 31.5°/52°, respectively, overall bias=1.5°) with only a small percentage of points outside these lines. The 4Q plot indicates good concordance and no bias between the methods.


In this study, blood pressure measured using the non-invasive CT device was shown to correlate well with the arterial catheter measurements. Larger studies are needed to confirm these results in more varied settings. Most patients exhibited very good agreement between methods. Results were well within the limits established for the validation of automatic arterial pressure monitoring by the AAMI.

Keywords: Non-Invasive, CareTaker, Central blood pressure, Finger cuff, Intra-Arterial pressure

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Accurate real-time continuous non-invasive blood pressure monitors (cNIBP) can bridge the gap between invasive arterial pressure monitoring and intermittent non-invasive sphygmomanometry. Latest developments in this field promise accuracy and the potential to lower risk and improve patient outcomes. However, a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of 28 studies using non-invasive technologies by Kim et al. reported that all failed to satisfy the limits that have been established for the validation of automatic arterial pressure monitoring by the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) [1]. According to this standard, the group-average accuracy and precision are defined as acceptable if bias is not greater than 5 mmHg and standard deviation is not greater than 8 mmHg. Kim et.al. obtained similar results when currently commercially available technologies were examined [1]. In addition, ease of use and patient comfort issues have been impediments to wider acceptance of current noninvasive cNIBP measurement methods. Their results suggest that currently available devices may not have the accuracy and precision for reliable clinical decisions, and there is a need for better devices.

We evaluated the CareTaker® (CT) device (Empirical Technologies Corporation, Charlottesville, Virginia) which has been described in detail elsewhere [2]. Briefly, the CT is a physiological sensing system that communicates physiological data wirelessly via Bluetooth (Fig. 1). The device uses a low pressure [35–45 mmHg], pump-inflated, cuff surrounding the proximal phalange of the thumb that pneumatically couples arterial pulsations via a pressure line to a custom-designed piezo-electric pressure sensor. This sensor converts the pressure pulsations, using transimpedance amplification, into a derivative voltage signal that is then digitized at 500 Hz, transmitted to and recorded on a computer.


The CT measures continuous noninvasive blood pressure via a pulse contour analysis algorithm called Pulse Decomposition Analysis (PDA) [3]. It is based on the concept that five individual component pressure pulses constitute the peripheral arterial pressure pulse. These component pulses are due to the left ventricular ejection and the reflections and re-reflections of the first component pulse from two central arteries reflection sites [2] [4]. The first reflection site is the juncture between thoracic and abdominal aorta, at the height of the renal arteries, while the second site arises from the interface between abdominal aorta and the common iliac arteries. The renal site reflects the pressure pulse because the juncture of the aortic arteries there features significant changes in arterial diameter and wall elasticity. The two reflected arterial component pressure pulses, the renal reflection pulse (P2) and the iliac reflection pulse (P3), counter-propagate with respect to the original pulse due to the left ventricular contraction (Fig. 2) and arrive in the arterial periphery, specifically at the radial or digital arteries, with distinct time delays [5]. The basic validity of the PDA model was recently corroborated in a detailed and comprehensive arterial tree numerical modeling analysis [6] that examined the effect of the different arterial segments of the central arteries, the iliac arteries and beyond on the pressure/flow pulse patterns in the digital arteries. The results clearly identified the central arterial reflection sites, as opposed to more distal sites, as being the primary contributors to the pulse patterns observed in the digits.


Quantification and validation of physiological parameters is accomplished by extracting pertinent component pulse parameters [7]. Since the device relies on pulse analysis to track blood pressure, the coupling pressure of the finger cuff is maintained constant and well below diastole, avoiding potential blood flow impediments.

The aim of the present study was to specifically compare the non-invasive arterial pressure values obtained with the CT to the reference invasive arterial pressure technique.

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The Cooper Health System Institutional Review Board approved the study, and all subjects gave informed written consent. Data from twenty-four adult patients requiring hemodynamic monitoring during major open abdominal surgery were analyzed in this study. Patients were not excluded due to other medical conditions.

Measurements were obtained during general anesthesia in these patients starting with induction. The induction of anesthesia was chosen because the blood pressure fluctuations and variability typically found during this period provided an opportunity to compare tracking accuracy under baseline and induced controlled dynamic conditions. The data was evaluated using the ANSI/AAMI/ISO 81060–2:2013-related standards of accuracy and precision [8].

Anesthesia procedure

After a stable signal was recorded, patients were induced under general anesthesia by using propofol (2-4 mg/kg) and fentanyl 250ug. Tracheal intubation was facilitated by the administration of rocuronium (0.6 mg/kg). Mechanical ventilation was started using a volume controlled ventilator to maintain an adequate saturation and an end-tidal carbon dioxide of 35 mmHg. Inhalational anesthetic (Isoflurane) was added to maintain a BIS monitoring of 40–45. Vasoactive drugs were used to maintain a MAP greater than 60 mmHg based on the catheter value. Hemodynamic variables were measured from both devices for the entire procedure. The MAP, systolic and diastolic blood pressures were continuously collected from the arterial catheter and CT and averaged over 10 s periods for both devices.


Invasive arterial pressure measurement

Standard arterial blood pressure monitoring was performed prior to the induction of anesthesia using a 20G intra-arterial catheter inserted in the radial artery under local anesthesia using ultra sound guidance. The catheter was connected to a disposable pressure transducer with standard low compliant tubing. The transducer was placed at heart level and zeroed to ambient pressure. The transducer data was digitized, processed and collected using the Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Collect system (Datex-Ohmeda Division, Instrumentarium Corporation, Helsinki, Finland). For analysis, MAP, systolic and diastolic blood pressures were averaged over 10 s intervals.

Non-invasive CareTaker arterial pulse signal recording

The arterial pressure pulse signal was continuously measured using the CT device. For this study the CT device was calibrated using the arterial line blood pressure, but calibration can also be based on non-invasive oscillometric or oscillometric/auscultatory measurements. A fifteen second window at the start of the 30 min overlap section was used to obtain an arterial stiffness reading averaged across 5 beats, which was then used to calculate the PDA parameters for the blood pressure conversions (Fig. 2). With the exception of the four cases mentioned above, patient-specific PDA parameters, once established, were not changed for the matching procedure, irrespective of arterial stiffness or heart rate changes. On four occasions for the entire data set, the offsets of the linear conversion equations were changed as a result of persistent changes in arterial stiffness or heart rate changes exceeding 30%. The PDA algorithm has recently been validated and described elsewhere [6].








Clinical update

Central blood pressure: current evidence

and clinical importance

Carmel M. McEniery1*, John R. Cockcroft2, Mary J. Roman3,

Stanley S. Franklin4, and Ian B.Wilkinson1

1Clinical Pharmacology Unit, University of Cambridge, Addenbrookes Hospital, Box 110, Cambridge CB22QQ, UK; 2Department of Cardiology,Wales Heart Research Institute, Cardiff

CF14 4XN, UK; 3Division of Cardiology,Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY 10021, USA; and 4University of California, UCI School of Medicine, Irvine, CA 92697-4101, USA

Received 29 April 2013; revised 27 November 2013; accepted 17 December 2013; online publish-ahead-of-print 23 January 2014

and central pressure. Therefore, basing treatment decisions on central, rather than brachial pressure, is likely to have important implications

for the future diagnosis and management of hypertension. Such a paradigm shift will, however, require further, direct evidence that selectively

targeting central pressure, brings added benefit, over and above that already provided by brachial artery pressure.

Central pressure Blood pressure Anti-hypertensive treatment Cardiovascular risk


The brachial cuff sphygmomanometer was introduced into medical

practice well over 100 years ago, enabling the routine, non-invasive,

measurement of arterial blood pressure. Life insurance companies

were among the first to capitalize on the information provided by

cuff sphygmomanometry, by observing that blood pressure in

largely asymptomatic individuals relates to future cardiovascular

riskobservations that are nowsupported by a wealth of epidemiological

data.1 The most recent Global Burden of Disease report2

identified hypertension as the leading cause of death and disability

worldwide. Moreover, data from over 50 years of randomized controlled

trials clearly demonstrate that lowering brachial pressure,

in hypertensive individuals, substantially reduces cardiovascular

events.1,3 For these reasons, measurement of brachial blood pressure

has become embedded in routine clinical assessment throughout the

developed world, and is one of the most widely accepted surrogate

measures for regulatory bodies.

The major driving force for the continued use of brachial blood

pressure has been its ease of measurement, and the wide variety of

devices available for clinical use. However, we have known for over

half a century that brachial pressure is a poor surrogate for aortic

pressure, which is invariably lower than corresponding brachial

values. Recent evidence suggests that central pressure is also more

strongly related to future cardiovascular events4 7 than brachial

pressure, and responds differently to certain drugs.8,9 Appreciating

this provides an ideal framework for understanding the much publicized

inferiority of atenolol and some other beta-blockers,10 compared

with other drug classes, in the management of essential

hypertension. Although central pressure can now be assessed noninvasively

with the same ease as brachial pressure, clinicians are unlikely

to discard the brachial cuff sphygmomanometer without

robust evidence that cardiovascular risk stratification, and monitoring

response to therapy, are better when based on central rather

than peripheral pressure. Central pressure assessment and accuracy

will also have to be standardized, as it has been for brachial pressure

assessment with oscillometric devices. This review will discuss our

current understanding about central pressure and the evidence

required to bring blood pressure measurement, and cardiovascular

risk assessment into the modern era.

Physiological concepts

Arterial pressure varies continuously over the cardiac cycle, but in

clinical practice only systolic and diastolic pressures are routinely

reported. These are invariably measured in the brachial artery

using cuff sphygmomanometrya practice that has changed little

over the last century. However, the shape of the pressure waveform

* Corresponding author. Tel: +44 1223 336806, Fax: +44 1223 216893, Email: cmm41@cam.ac.uk

Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. &The Author 2014. For permissions please email: journals.permissions@oup.com

European Heart Journal (2014) 35, 17191725 doi:10.1093/eurheartj/eht565


Pressure measured with a cuff and sphygmomanometer in the brachial artery is accepted as an important predictor of future cardiovascular risk.However, systolic pressure varies throughout the arterial tree, such that aortic (central) systolic pressure is actually lower than corresponding brachial values, although this difference is highly variable between individuals. Emerging evidence now suggests that central pressure is better related to future cardiovascular events than is brachial pressure. Moreover, anti-hypertensive drugs can exert differential effects on brachial and central pressure. Therefore, basing treatment decisions on central, rather than brachial pressure, is likely to have important implications for the future diagnosis and management of hypertension. Such a paradigm shift will, however, require further, direct evidence that selectively targeting central pressure, brings added benefit, over and above that already provided by brachial artery pressure.As discussed earlier, a full synthesis of the available evidence concerning

central pressure and the risk of future cardiovascular events is now required. However, it will also be necessary to determine the clinical relevance of differences between brachial and central pressure

for the individual patient, especially given the relatively high correlation between the two. Emerging data support the prognostic superiority of both 24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring

(ABPM)79 81 andhomemonitoring81 in comparison with office measurements. Interestingly, a recent study82 demonstrated that 24-h ambulatory cuff pressures were comparable with office central pressure

measurements in the prediction of risk, although the significance of this study awaits confirmation.83 As yet, there are no data comparing the predictive value ofhomemonitoring vs. central pressure in the

prediction of risk. Ultimately, it will be necessary to evaluate the prognostic value of 24-h ambulatory central pressure.With the recent development of ambulatory central pressure systems,84,85 this is now

possible and it may be reasonable to hypothesize that 24-h central, rather than brachial ABPM would be superior in terms of risk prediction.

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