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Analysis of variability of #R-R intervals for the diagnosis of atrial fibrillation: A new algorithm

Taishi Matsui, PhD, Ryo Shinozaki, PhD, Eiichi Watanabe, MD, PhD, Yoshifusa Aizawa, MD, PhD #新潟大学

Journal of Electrocardiology, May 2018, Volume 51, Issue 3,


Differences in successive R-R intervals (RRIs) were normalized by RRIs before and after the indexing beats (normalized DRs) in individuals
with normal sinus rhythm (NSR) and 98.89% of normalized DRs were found to distribute within mean
±0.100 (mean±3SD),
whereas 73.47% were out of this range in atrial fibrillation (AF
). When 7 out 20 normalized DRs fell outside of 0.000±0.100, NSR (n=129)
and AF (n
=108) could be discriminated with high sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values (>99.0% for all).
This method will be used in detecting AF candidates from a smal
l number of heart beats or arterial pulses.

PCの機能が向上し、#Descrete_Wavelet 手法が、お求めやすい低価格で
臨床用 #薬事認可済
#Labtech社は、当社独自の方法による #P波自動検出と #心房細動自動解析手法
#T_Wave_Alternans 解析手法
#VectraCardiology, #Heart_Rate_Variability , #TWA_オルタナンス

Theory of the #P_wave_detectionThe algorithm first finds the  the possible positive and negative wave peaks
based on zero transition searching, then validates them with comparing
to reference P waves.
The P wave detection needs high amplitude resolution. This value is better,
than 0.6 uV / bit in the Cardiospy system.  With this resolution and
the effective filter system which uses wavelet transformation,
the Cardiospy system is able to detect P waves less than 50 uV of amplitude.
Validation of the P wave detectorThe validation is carried out on 10 pcs 12 channel and 10 pcs 3 channel ECG
reference records. The reference records include the P wave  annotation.  12
of the 20 records are taken from the MitBih database, 8 records are
taken from the Labtech database (30000 ? 30007). 
12 ch recordss0014lre, s0292lre, s0302lre, s0331lre, s0364lre, s0422_re, s0431_re,
s0437_re, s0549_re, s0550_re

3 ch records

mgh001, mgh007, 30000, 30001, 30002, 30003, 30004, 30005, 30006, 30007Validation result:

Sensitivity:                       95.42%Positive predictivity:         97.16%

#Caretaker_type1_type2_type3_type4 #VitalStream_type1_type2_type3

#Tensiomed 社 #Arteriograph 24 #血管脈波検査装置
臨床用ー #薬事認可済

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