Significant Articles
#Angioscopy in variant angina :

by #Dr_Kyoichi_MizunoMD_PhD
in #acute_coronary_symdromes
  • Angioscopy in variant angina :
  • coronary artery spasm and intimal injury

Hirokuni Etuda, Kyoichi Mizuno, Koh Arakawa, Kimio Satomura,
Toshio Shibuya, Kazushige Isojima


Studies in pigs and dogs show that intimal injury is related to coronary artery spasm;
it is not known whether intimal injury is related to coronary artery spasm in human beings.

We examined intima at the site of coronary artery spasm by percutaneous transluminal
coronary angioscopy in 10 of 13 consecutive patients with variant angina.
Coronary artery spasms occurred spontaneously or were induced by intracoronary
acetylcholine(10-100μg). Angioscopy showed intimal injuries (haemorrhage, flap, thrombus,
or ulcer) in 4 of the 10.

We suggest that intimal injury is related to coronary artery
spasm in human beings.

#Lancet_1993; 342: 1322-24

  • #Angioscopic_Evaluation_Of_Coronary-Artery Thrombi In Acute Coronary Syndromes

Kyoichi Mizuno, M.D., Kimio Satomura, M.D., Akira Miyamoto, M.D.,Koh Arakawa, M.D.,
Toshio Shibuya, M.D., Tsunenori Arai, Ph.D.,Akira Kurita, M.D., Haruo Nakamura, M.D.,
and John A. Ambrose, M.D.



. Disruption of an atherosclerotic plaque in a coronary artery followed by the formation of
a thrombus is believed to be the cause of both unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction.

Although thrombolytic therapy is efficacious in patients with acute myocardial infarction,
for unknown reasons it is far less effective in patients with unstable angina. We postulated
that there might be differences in the composition of the coronary-artery thrombi in unstable
angina and acute myocardial infarction.


To investigate the appearance of coronary artery thrombi, we performed percutaneous
transluminal coronary angioscopy in 15 patients with unstable angina and 16 with acute
myocardial infarction. Angioscopy was performed within 48 hours after an episode of pain
at rest in the patients with unstableangina and within 8 hours of onset in those with acute
myocardial infarction.


Angioscopy revealed coronary thrombi in all but two patients (one in each group). Of the 29
patients with thrombi, those with unstable angina were frequently observed to have
grayish-white thrombi (10 of 14, 71 percent), but none were seen in the 15 patients with acute
myocardial infarction (P < 0.01).
By contrast, reddish thrombi were observed in all 15 patients with acute myocardial infarction
who had thrombi, but in only 4 of the 14 patients with unstable angina and thrombi
(P < 0.01). As assessed by coronary angiography, occlusive thrombi occurred frequently in
patients with acute myocardialinfarction (13 0f 16 patients) but were not seen in any of
the 15 patients with unstable angina (P < 0.01).


Coronary-artery thrombi play an important part in the pathogenesis of unstable angina and
acute myocardial infarction. However,the appearance of the thrombi is different in the two
conditions,possibly reflecting differences in the composition or age of the thrombi or
the presence or absence of blood flow in the artery. This difference may account for
the contrasting results of thrombolytic terapy.

(The New England Journal of Medicine 1992;326:287-91)

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